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AEOI Reporting CRS and FATCA Reporting Software from ONESOURCE

Challenges of reporting

Data such as Tax Identification Numbers (TINs), the identity and residence of the account owner, citizenship, account/debt claims, reporting entity, and interest payments, may be well established, but actual data management presents complexities.

The US Internal Revenue Service and Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) partner countries have reporting requirements and electronic schemas and formats that differ between countries. This makes the mechanics of formatting and filing data difficult.

Overcoming challenges

AEOI Reporting provides complete data collation, validation and submission for FATCA and CRS reporting as well as management information reporting, including tracking key data points and submission dates. Our solution helps you to reduce the risk and burden of FATCA and CRS by providing an established and trusted platform, leveraging the knowledge and expertise from our extensive tax compliance business.

Achieving reporting success

The global move toward tax transparency is challenging financial firms around the world to maintain compliance with evolving tax regulations while juggling the implementation of new procedures. This shift represents a prime opportunity for your firm to demonstrate conscientious business culture and enhance reputation. With Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE™, always stay one-step ahead of the ever-changing regulations so you can future-proof your reporting strategy.

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